Do you know if your first child is going to be a girl or a boy? Of course not! But this quiz can guide you in the right direction. Take these 10 questions and find out if you're having a boy or a girl!

Question 1/10
How often do you work out?
As often as I can
That's a hilarious question
Question 2/10
When you do exercise, what is your primary workout?
I already told you that I don't do "exercise"
Question 3/10
Do you enjoy having a super busy schedule with little down time?
No way
It depends
Question 4/10
Are you a type A personality?
According to my friends I am
I don't think so
I'm a lot of types
Question 5/10
How often do you travel?
As often as humanly possible
Maybe once a year
It's pretty sporadic
Question 6/10
How long do you spend doing housework everyday?
1-2 hours
Less than an hour
I don't do housework everyday
Question 7/10
Has anyone ever referred to you as a welcome mat or a pushover?
I've never been walked on in my life
I might as well have "welcome" tattooed on forehead
I can be a pushover at times
Question 8/10
What color do you believe your soul is?
Light blue
Question 9/10
Does your perfect day involve work or spending time with family?
Spending time with family
My perfect day involves alone time
Question 10/10
Do you plan on using baby talk with your little one?
Of course who else would I use baby talk on
Studies show I should talk to it in my normal tone
I'll mix it in now and then
Based on the results of this quiz, you're destined to have a beautiful baby girl! Your diet and personal habits will make it almost impossible for you not to have a girl. You eat a lot of acidic foods, you often run as your primary workout, and you never eat foods high in salt.
Your first child is going to be an energetic little boy! Your habits leave you in the perfect state to conceive a boy. First of all, you hate working out, love salty foods, and carbs are definitely your friend. Combine that with your bedroom abilities and your on your way to welcoming a boy to the world.
Based on the results of this quiz, the sex of your baby is still up in the air! Your habits are kind of a mixed bag. While some of the things you do (cardio workouts for example) would make you an ideal candidate for a baby girl, your other habits will make it possible for a baby boy. The sex of your child is still entirely a mystery!
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