Can we guess a fact about you correctly?

Question 1/10
What do you think about love?
It's dangerous
It's the strongest emotion
It's necessary
It's amazing
I don't know
Question 2/10
Do you prefer time to yourself or social time?
Time to myself
Social time
Social time but only with animals
Question 3/10
How's your memory?
Pretty good
Not the best
Question 4/10
Who do you think you need closure from?
An old bully
An Ex
A teacher
My parents
Question 5/10
What keeps you from revealing your biggest secret?
It's embarrassing
I don't know how others will react
I have no one to tell
I don't want to feel like an outcast
I don't really have one
Question 6/10
Do you let the whole world know when you're in love?
Of course
It depends on who's around
Not really
Question 7/10
How do you feel about animals?
They're amazing
They're okay
I hate them
Question 8/10
What makes a lasting impression on you?
A beautiful piece of art
Intricate details
A warm embrace
A startling event
Question 9/10
What do you usually like to do in your spare time?
Do something creative
Read a book
Play with my pets
Talk with friends
Question 10/10
Do you think with the analytical side of your brain or the creative side?
You have a hidden artistic talent to you that you don't show to anyone. You have a passion for your art and you tend to get pretty lost in your work. Whether it involves music or art or anything artistic, you should quit being shy and the world your art!
Hidden Artistic Talent
You seem to just look at something once and the details burn themselves into your brain. You pick up details rather quickly and through your analyzing, they leave a strong impression on you. Nothing gets past your eye!
Photographic Memory
You seem to be able to read books quicker than most people. When you read a book, it's like your eyes skim over the words quickly but you comprehend everything you read. You finish books pretty quickly and can't wait to read more.
Fast Reader
According to your mood that day, it seems like your eye color changes with it. When you're in a positive mood, your eyes seem to gleam. Just like the opposite, if you're in a bad mood, you're eyes seem to be a pretty dull color.
Changing Eye Color
You seem to be able to connect and communicate with animals quite well. You've always been more fond of animals than people but it's totally understandable. You just have a special connection with them and you treat them like your equals.
Animal Whisperer