Question 1/10
Do you consider yourself sensitive?
Yes I do
It depends
Not at all
Question 2/10
How's your life been lately?
It's been going great
It's been okay
It's been terrible
Question 3/10
Have you lost anyone close to you recently?
Yes I have
No I haven't
Question 4/10
Do you believe crying is a weakness?
Yes I do
Not at all
Question 5/10
Do you cry often?
Yes I do
Not at all
Question 6/10
How are you with saying goodbye?
I'm terrible with it
It depends
I'm alright with it
Question 7/10
How are you dealing with stress?
I'm bad at dealing with stress
I'm okay with it
I'm good at it
Question 8/10
What type of crier are you?
I sob hard
I'm a silent crier
I cover my face
I hold it in until it becomes too much
I'm not sure
Question 9/10
Are you quick to get over things?
Yes I am
It depends
No I don't
Question 10/10
How do you usually act when you get physically hurt?
I scream and cry
I curse
I try to stay quiet
I usually laugh it off
I'm not sure
The last time you cried was when you attended a funeral. Whether it was for someone close to you or not, funerals are an emotional occasion and it's no surprise that you cried.
At A Funeral
You tend to be a pretty emotional person so when you last cried, it was when you watched a sad movie. You couldn't help but feel teary eyed at certain scenes.
Watched A Sad Movie
The last time you cried was when you had to say goodbye to someone. Whether it was permanent or temporary, goodbyes are always an emotional occasion.
Had To Say Goodbye
The last time you cried was just because you were feeling stressed out. You were feeling overwhelmed and the feelings just all over-spilled and you couldn't help but cry.
You're Stressed Out
The last time you cried was when you got physically hurt. You tripped or something similar and you couldn't help but cry at the pain.
You Got Hurt
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