What Is Your Level Of Openness?

Question 1/10

Would you say you have a vivid imagination?
Highly accurate
Very accurate
Very inaccurate

Question 2/10

Do you often get lost in thought?
Very accurate
Very inaccurate

Question 3/10

Do you believe that art is very important?
Very accurate
Very inaccurate

Question 4/10

Do you see beauty in things that others might not notice?

Question 5/10

Do you like or dislike poetry?
I love poetry.
I like poetry.
I tolerate poetry.
I loathe poetry.

Question 6/10

How do you feel about going to art museums?
I love exploring museums.
Certain museums are very fun.
I can tolerate a museum stroll.
I find museums to be boring.

Question 7/10

Do you have the ability to feel the emotion of others?
Yes, very much so.
In some ways.
Only if I'm close to them.
No, not at all.

Question 8/10

Do you often fail to notice your emotional reactions?

Question 9/10

Do you enjoy routine?

Question 10/10

How important is tradition to you?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
You're an extremely open person, who is receptive and accepting of new ideas or viewpoints. Not only do you always consider other ways of life or opinions, but you also have the necessary tools to comprehend new theories and ideas, even if they don't necessarily line up with your personal viewpoints right now. Unlike most, you're always willing to listening and understanding what others have to say and where they are coming from. You find it within yourself to consider every side, remaining open to all possibilities and changes in the world around you. You go with the side of progress, not tradition.

Extremely Open

You're a relatively open person who is very considerate and accepting over other points of view or ways of life. Though you often side with your own opinions or way of doing things, you're an open person who isn't opposed to seeing things differently or changing up your perspective. A bit traditional, but also progressive, you hold on to what matters, but know how to go with the flow and accept a changing world.

Relatively Open

You're not a very open person right now, in fact, you can be a bit closed off to change or new ideas. For the most part, you're very set in your ways and traditions. Your motto might as well be, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." You believe that you're way is the right way, which is why you're often very adverse to change or differing opinions. You're someone who craves stability and tradition. You don't like when things feel like they're changing or two fast or as if your beliefs are being challenged. When it comes to openness, you're really only open to those who agree with you.

Closed Off

You're someone who has a certain degree of openness- but, you are not infinitely open to every new idea, concept or belief. Instead, you are open at times. In some aspects of life, you are very open to hearing new ideas or considering a different way of doing things. Most often this happens at work. However, when it comes to personal values or traditions, you are firmly rooted in your own way of doing things.

Open At Times

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An openness to experience is one of the Big Five factors of personality used by psychological researchers. They help to describe how apt a person is to engage in abstract thinking. Do you know your level of openness? Many people are not as open as they really think. Answer each of these questions as honestly as possible, at the end, we'll reveal the truth!