Grandparents have one really important job- to love on their grand kids fully! Whether you're the stern type or the fun type, are you an awesome grandparent? Just how awesome do your grand kids really think you are? Take these 10 simple questions and find out!

Question 1/10
How much notice do you need before your grand kids come over?
At least a day!
A few days notice.
A few hours.
They're welcome anytime!
Question 2/10
Before your grand kids visit, do you bake up something sweet?
Yes, my famous chocolate chip cookies!
I'll put together some cupcakes.
Box brownies it is!
Nah, but maybe we'll go out for ice cream...
Question 3/10
What's the first thing your grand kids see when they come into your home?
A big bowl of candy by the doorway.
All of the crafts I have set up for them.
A big hug from Grandma.
Probably my new doormat.
Question 4/10
Are there any special one-of-a-kind dishes that the grand kids beg you to make?
Of course, my cooking is famous!
They don't beg for it, but they do gobble it up.
I don't cook for the grand kids.
Question 5/10
On a rainy day, what are you most likely to do with the grand kids?
Build them a fort in the living room.
Bust out the board games.
Take them to the movies.
Let them use their iPads.
Question 6/10
Who do you show pictures of your grand kids to?
Everyone I know practically!
My closet friends.
No one really.
Question 7/10
When your grand kids come over, what's on the TV?
I don't allow TV.
Whatever I want to watch.
Whatever they'd like to watch.
Question 8/10
If you text, what would you send your grand kids often?
Cute animal pictures.
Funny memes.
YouTube videos.
Nothing, that's not appropriate.
Question 9/10
When it comes to your grand kids, how do you feel about "the rules"?
Rules are meant to be broken!
Leave that to their parents.
Rules should always be followed.
I like to bend the rules!
Question 10/10
How would you describe yourself as a grandparent?
Congratulations, you're an awesome grandparent! You're the type of grandparent any kid would be lucky to have. You're fun, warm, nurturing, and always down to give your grand kids some extra special love. You've always got fresh baked cookies on stand by and plenty of hugs for hello and goodbye.
You're An Awesome Grandparent!
You're a pretty awesome grandparent! What kid wouldn't feel lucky to call you Grandma or Grandpa? It's obvious that you love your grand kids with your whole heart. Sure, you might spoil them a bit from time to time, but who could blame you? With care and love, you make sure your grand kids have everything they need!
You're Pretty Awesome!
You're the best grandparent there is! Even though you can be a bit strict from time to time, everything you do for your grand kids comes from a place of love. You just want them to be the best little people they can be. You're fun, stable, and always willing to give a little extra love. Sure, you may not be the world's best baker, but they like Chips Ahoy just fine!
You're The Best!
Right now, you're probably a bit new to this whole grandparent thing! You're just not sure where to set boundaries and where to let kids be kids. Fear not, you'll figure it out. Just keep doling out those hugs and warm cookies. You'll find that being a grandparent is easy!
Keep Working At It!