Millennial's are often the brunt of a whole host of stereotypes. From avocado toast to being snowflakes, which millennial stereotype are you? If you were just one stereotype for this generation, which would you be? Hit start and find out today!

Question 1/10
Do you pay for your own Netflix subscription?
Yes, every month!
Not yet, I'm using up all my free trials.
I just use my parent's account.
I share with a friend
I don't use Netflix.
Question 2/10
When you can't figure something out, what do you do?
Call my parents.
Look it up on Google.
Ask a friend.
Give it up.
Question 3/10
Which social media platform do you use the most?
I don't do social media.
Question 4/10
Choose one word to describe your view of life:
Question 5/10
What do you hate more than anything?
Feeling bored
A dying phone battery
Weak wi-fi signal
Waiting in line
Spending money
Question 6/10
Do you often feel a deep pang of nostalgia for the 90s?
All the time.
When things are particularly stressful.
Every now and then.
Pretty much never!
Question 7/10
What kind of camera do you use the most?
A phone camera
A digital camera
A film camera
A Polaroid
Question 8/10
How often do you use emojis when you text?
Question 9/10
How often do you catch up on pop culture news?
Pretty much every day.
Every now and then.
Almost never.
When something scandalous is happening!
Question 10/10
What's the last thing you do before you go to bed at night?
Say my prayers.
Scroll my phone.
Watch TV.
Read a book.
Worry about the next day.
You're the stereotype that millennial's are "lazy and entitled!" Listen, we don't think you're lazy or entitled, you're just using the resources you have to make the most of each day. Sure, you might still rely on Mom and Dad a bit much, but that's not the end of the world!
Lazy And Entitled
You're the stereotype that millennials spend "too much time on their phones." Hey, you've got this amazing gadget that puts the world at your finger tips. Of course you're going to enjoy it! While you might be on your phone more than some, it's hardly time to stage an intervention.
You Spend Too Much Time On Your Phone.
You're the stereotype that most millennial's are narcissists! Okay, so you spend a lot of time thinking about yourself instead of others. And sometimes you might even be more obsessed with your image than say, helping with climate change. While don't think that makes you a total narcissist, just a baby one!
You're A Narcissist!
You're the stereotype that millennial's are broke because they spend too much money on avocado toast! Okay, so you love a great piece of avocado toast. That's hardly the reason for your money woes! We don't think you have an avocado toast problem at all. We get that you're just trying to enjoy life while you're here and make the most of those small moments of enjoyment.
You Spend Too Much On Avocado Toast!
You're the stereotype that millennial's are "snowflakes!" Yes, you're a very sensitive person who takes things to heart. That hardly makes you a snowflake. In fact, the world could use more kind and compassionate people like you. Then maybe there wouldn't be so much conflict!
You're A Snowflake!