It's time to start your campaign and find out which member of student council you would be! Are you really fit to be president? Let's find out what role you're destined to play!

Question 1/10
A Salvation Army bell ringer asks you for money. What do you do?
Give them my spare change.
Dig for a couple of dollars.
Pretend I don't hear them.
Promise to get them next time.
Question 2/10
You've stumbled upon the answers to a major exam. What do you do?
Keep them and use them, duh!
Make copies for my friends.
Ignore them and forget what I saw.
Take a quick glance and remember what I can.
Question 3/10
You spot your best friend's boyfriend flirting with another girl. What do you do?
Tell my best friend.
Confront her boyfriend.
Let whatever happens, happen.
Turn it into gossip fodder.
Question 4/10
In your opinion, is it ever okay to lie?
Yes, white lies are perfectly acceptable.
Only to spare someone's feelings.
Sometimes lying is necessary.
It's never okay!
Question 5/10
If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do with it?
Question 6/10
Which of the following would you advocate for the most?
More field trips.
Healthy organic lunches.
Community service events.
Longer recesses.
Question 7/10
Your classmate's email is still logged in, would you go through their emails?
How could I resist?
No, definitely not.
Maybe just a peek.
It depends on the classmate.
Question 8/10
When are you most productive?
Early morning
Question 9/10
If you had a terrible dining experience, would you publish a review of the restaurant online?
Yes, everyone needs to know.
Maybe, it depends.
Nonope, everyone has off days.
Question 10/10
Of the ones listed, what's the worse crime you've ever committed?
If you were in student council, you would be the president! Charming and sociable, you're a natural born leader who others can't help but follow. You have big ideas and know how to make a case for your own interests. Popular yet down to earth, you'd love the job role of president!
If you were in student council, you would be the vice president! A bit shy and reserved, yet intelligent and clever, you have what it takes to be second in command. You're not one who likes all of the attention, yet you want just a little sliver of the true power. You're popular simply for being you.
Vice President
If you were in student council, you would be the treasurer! Not only are you a total math whiz, but you'd love a good background job that doesn't require too much schmoozing or socializing. As someone who prefers to be left to your own devices, treasurer is the perfect job for you!
If you were on student council, you'd be the reporter! You're the type of person who loves to be a passive observer. You'd much rather hang in the background and listen than to speak your own truth. Because of this, you'd be a great reporter and the type to hold those in power accountable!