Piercings are a fun way to express yourself and let the world know who you are! Ever wondered which body part you should pierce? With these 10 questions, you can find out. Let's find out where you're next piercing should be! /

Question 1/10

Do you have any piercings already?
Zilch, zero, zip.
Between 1 and 3.
Between 4 and 5.
Eh, define piercing?
Question 2/10

How old were you when you got the first one?
I already said I don't have any.
When I was a baby.
When I was a toddler.
When I was a kid.
When I was a teen.
Question 3/10

How high is your pain threshold?
Pretty low
Above average
Question 4/10

What color metal will you be sliding into this piercing?
Rose gold
Whatever is cheap.
Question 5/10

Should these piercings be able to be hidden by clothing?
I really don't care.
I don't know.
I'd like that.
Sometimes, when I want them to be.
Question 6/10

Who is coming with you to get this piercing done?
My friend
My sibling
My mom
My partner
No one
Question 7/10

Do you care about what others will think of this new piercing?
Not one bit.
A little bit.
Very much.
A while lot.
Question 8/10

Would you ever stretch one of your piercings?
I already have.
I'm thinking about it.
No way!
Question 9/10

Where are you getting this piercing done?
At the mall.
At a friend's house.
At a tattoo parlor.
Question 10/10

How do you think you'll feel as the needle is about to enter your skin?
You should pierce your nose! While you'd like to add a bit of edge to your look, you're still not someone who wants to constantly stand out in a crowd. To you, even small rebellions should be organized and well planned.
Nose Piercing

You should go for a lip piercing! You've always been one to speak your mind and march to the beat of your own drum. Yet, you're still not quite ready to denounce societal norms completely. A lip piercing lets you do you, without compromising your other side!
Lip Piercing

You should pierce your belly button! You're a fun and spontaneous person who loves to have a good time and throw caution to the w ind. Eternally young at heart, you still secretly love a bit of rebellion and going against the grain.
Belly Button

You should get a daith piercing! You've always been a pretty quiet and reserved person who much prefers your own company to that others. To you, rebellion doesn't have to be loud and in your face. Sometimes it's just a little feeling you get on the inside!
Daith Piercing

You should totally get your tongue pierced! Who wants to be like everyone else? Not you, that's for sure! To say you march to the beat of your own drum is an understatement, because really, you're personality is more like the whole band. You love to stand out and definitely aren't afraid of a little attention. You do you!
Tongue Piercing
