Question 1/10
Did you go to church growing up?
Yes, almost every Sunday.
Nope, never.
Only on holidays.
Question 2/10
What centers you when you're feeling stressed?
Taking a walk
Reading a sacred text
Chatting with a friend
Question 3/10
What has shaped your religious beliefs?
Books I've read.
My parent's beliefs.
Personal research.
The teachings of the bible.
TV and movies.
Question 4/10
You're on a walk when you come across a stunning vista. What's your reaction?
Consider how it was formed.
Take a picture.
Sit quietly.
Pray in gratitude.
Marvel at God's work.
Question 5/10
How important is it for you to be a good moral person?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
Question 6/10
If your child asked you what happens when people die, where would your answer come from?
Scientific facts.
Whatever my parent's told me as a child.
My personal understanding of faith.
What my religion tells me.
Something vague, they don't need to know yet.
Question 7/10
When someone brings up religion at a dinner party, what do you do?
Get the hypothetical popcorn.
Zone out completely.
Engage in a good conversation.
Dive right in.
Get up to use the restroom.
Question 8/10
Where do you feel the most inspired?
When eating a really good meal.
When I'm around my family and friends.
Singing hymns in church.
Trying something new.
On my knees in prayer.
Question 9/10
What do trees symbolize?
God's love
Life and vitality
Mother nature
Everyday miracles
Question 10/10
What is most important for children’s education?
Learning to think critically
Learning how to function in the world
Interacting meaningfully
Building a strong religious foundation
Handling life's ups and downs
On a scale of 1 to 10, you're the most religious person there is! Faith plays a very important role in your life, as does the religion you choose to practice. You are devout in your faith. Whether it's going to church, volunteering or spreading the word, you are the living embodiment of your religion.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you're about an 8, which makes you a very religious person! Religion plays a huge role in your life. In fact, your faith guides you in pretty much every aspect of living. From making decisions to raising a family, you always let your religion and faith be your guide. It's clear that attending church and practicing what you preach are quite important.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 6! That means you are moderately religious. For the most part, you live your faith out loud. You believe in religious principles and strive to be a good person. While you may not attend church every Sunday or be as devout as some, you certainly strive to be a living embodiment of your core beliefs.
On a scale of 1 to 10, you're about a 4! You're not a very religious person at all. While you may have some beliefs concerning God, they don't really play a huge role in your life. Organized religion has never really been your thing. While you might go to church on a holiday or two, you're certainly not the every Sunday type!
On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 2! You're not a religious person at all. Especially not in the traditional sense of the word. While you may believe in God and have a value system, it has nothing to do with organized religion or the church. Odds are, you haven't even stepped foot in a church since the last wedding your attended. One of the beautiful things about life is that we're all welcome to do whatever we please when it comes to religion and belief!
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Faith can touch our lives and guide us through our days, but not everyone sees faith in the same way. Is religion something that is important to you? Perhaps it once was, but not longer is. Can we guess just how religious you are on a scale of 1 to 10? Put your faith on blast and find out!