"Riverdale" has taken the world of television by storm! With soon to be iconic characters and cliff hangers for days, this show is a modern take on many old classics. Do you know which "Riverdale" character you're most like? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!

Question 1/10

What high school subject do you like best?
Question 2/10

Which of these high school clubs would you join?
Question 3/10

Your ideal night off involves:
Going out on a hot date
Hanging out at a local diner
Working on my hobbies
I never have a night off
Question 4/10

Which of these places would you like to live?
A small peaceful town
A large bustling city
I don't like to be tied down
Anywhere with big sprawling mansions
Question 5/10

Who is your ideal date?
The boy/girl next door
The bad boy/girl
The most popular person around
I don't really date much
Question 6/10

There's a murder in town. What do you do?
Try to solve it on my own.
Help the investigation however I can.
Make sure I have a solid alibi.
Ignore it completely.
Question 7/10

Your friend is being bullied. How do you react?
I stand up to the bully.
I make a plot to take them down.
I comfort my friend.
I ignore it. We're not close anyway.
Question 8/10

Which of these best describes you?
The all American boy/girl
The class clown
The nerd
The leader
The rebel
Question 9/10

What would you friends say is your best quality?
My loyalty
My sense of humor
My compassion
My intelligence
My sense of adventure
Question 10/10

Which of these would you most like to have?
None of these
The Riverdale character that you're most like is Polly Cooper! Much like Polly, you're kindhearted but totally rebellious. While you have a mind of your own, you can be easily swayed by family members and those you hold in high esteem. To you, family is everything, even when it means putting friends on the backburner.
Polly Cooper

The Riverdale character that you're most like is Jughead Jones! Much like Jughead, you're darkly humorous, cynical, apathetic, and highly mysterious. You are known for your innate intelligence, clever wit, and amazing writing skills. You're not well understood by everyone, which can often make it difficult for you to connect with strangers.
Jughead Jones

The Riverdale character that you're most like is Archie Andrews! Much like Archie, you're an extremely kindhearted and caring person. You always put your friends and family first, even if it often means putting your own needs on the back burner. As someone who tends to wear your heart on your sleeve, you can often feel a bit vulnerable to the actions of others.
Archie Andrews

The Riverdale character that you're most like is Veronica Lodge! Much like Veronica, you are a highly charming and charismatic person who truly values friendship. You are empathetic and caring of others, often going out of your way to give friends insight into your life and giving as much help as you can to those in need. You're loyal, honest, and unique in every way!
Veronica Lodge

The Riverdale character that you're most like is Betty Cooper! Much like Betty, you're an intelligent overachiever who is always pushing yourself to do more and be more. Though you aim to please those around you, inside you're often waging a war of emotions against yourself.
Betty Cooper
