Quotes can inspire us, lift us up, and change the course of our entire day. Do you know which quote will make your day today? Embark on this quiz and discover just which quote is about to turn your day around!

Question 1/10

Are you a glass half full kind of person?
Question 2/10

Are you a morning person?
I despise mornings
I love mornings
It depends on how tired I am
Question 3/10

Which do you value most in life?
Question 4/10

What would you do with 20 free minutes on a busy day?
Take a nap
Call a friend
Catch up on emails
Question 5/10

How would your best friend describe you in one word?
Question 6/10

What do you prefer a night in or a night out?
A night in for sure
A night out
It depends on my mood
Question 7/10

Which natural wonder always leaves you in awe?
Shooting stars
Question 8/10

What do you do when you fail?
Grieve my loss
Try again
Learn from my mistakes
Question 9/10

Where did you learn your values from?
My family
My religion
My favorite books
Question 10/10

You feel your best when.....
Helping someone out
Doing great work
Surrounded by friends and family
The quote that will make your day today is, “The best preparation for tomorrow, is doing your best today!” It’s easy to get caught up in what needs to be done, rather than just focusing on the moment and being your best in the present. In order to do good tomorrow, you need to do your best today. At the end of the day, isn’t that really what counts? Focus on being your amazing self and the rest will work out on its own!
"The Best Preparation For Tomorrow Is Doing Your Best Today."

The inspirational quote that will make your day today is, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” It sounds silly, but the best way to lift your mood is to lift someone else’s mood. Happiness is contagious. By brightening the day of someone else, you’re not only lifting their spirits, you're lifting your own! Isn’t the world a better place when happiness catches on? Do good and good will be heaped on to you ten fold!
"Try To Be A Rainbow In Someone's Cloud."

The quote that will make your day today is, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” Truer words have never been spoken. No matter how old you are or what your circumstances may be, it’s never too late to begin again. Set a new goal, chase a new dream, and see all of the wonderful things that can unfold in your life. Goodness isn’t reserved for the young. There is more than enough positive energy to go around!
"You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream."

The quote that will make your day today is, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Beauty exists all around us. From the fragility of a leaf, to the dew drop on a single blade of grass; beauty is everywhere. But to experience the most beautiful things in the world, you must open your heart and feel all of the minor everyday miracles that exist all around you!
"The Best And Most Beautiful Things In The World Can't Be Seen Or Even Touched."

The quote that will make your day today is, “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” We all like to try and jump the gun when it comes to our goals, but the best way to attain an impossible dream is to start small and work your way up. Reaching a goal is a lot like building a house. Start by doing what’s necessary and then build on all of that. We know you’ll reach all of your goals sooner than you think!
"Start By Doing What's Necessary; Then Do What's Possible."
