Have you ever wondered if you could have a job at the White House? Better yet, did you ever consider what that job would be? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out which White House job you're made for!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
What is your favorite color?
Question 2/10
Do you know the capital of Maryland?
It's probably Baltimore.
It's Annapolis.
Isn't it Washington D.C.?
I'm not sure.
Question 3/10
What are you most likely to drink when stressed out?
A cup of tea
A glass of wine
A bourbon
A beer
A cup of coffee
Question 4/10
Which era of history is your favorite?
The Renaissance
The Roaring 20's
The Swinging 60's
The Revolutionary period
The Baroque period
Question 5/10
What do you always have on your person at all times?
My cell phone
A pen and paper
A camera
A pocket knife
A snack
Question 6/10
Be honest, are you good under pressure?
Question 7/10
When someone criticizes you, what do you do?
I learn from it.
I shut down.
I secretly hate them forever.
I get really hard on myself.
Question 8/10
What is your favorite type of food?
Burger and fries
Tikka Masala
Southern BBQ
Scampi pasta
Question 9/10
What are you most passionate about?
Free speech
Feeding the hungry
Funding the arts
Women's rights
Question 10/10
What time do you go to bed at night?
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
1 AM or later
The White House job that you should hold is press secretary! Let’s be real, the press secretary is often a thankless job that involves a lot of on the spot thinking. As someone who thrives under pressure, is quick on your feet, and can handle questions from all sides, we think you that you could handle this job better than the current press secretary in charge!
Press Secretary
The White House job that you should hold is Calligrapher! Have people always complimented you on your beautiful handwriting and artistic scroll? We thought so! Take your beautiful calligraphy skills right to the White House. Rumor is the official calligrapher makes around $100,000 a year. Not too shabby!
The White House job that you should hold is speechwriter! You’ve always had a way with words and a knack for inspiring others into action. You’re keen on writing statements that are both powerful and provocative. Sure, there might be a lot of pressure on this weighted job, but with your even keel and laid back personality, you could certainly handle the position!
The White House job that you should hold is official portrait painter! You’ve always has a creative side and a great eye for detail. Why not put your skills to work as the official White House portrait painter! Sure, you might get a bit tired of painting the same people everyday, but you would hone in on your skills and boast some art credits few could ever dream of.
Portrait Painter
The White House job that you should hold is being official chef! You’ve always had a passion for food and crafting meals that are both creative as well as artistic. You work well under pressure and don’t tend to sweat the small stuff. When things get crazy in a hot kitchen, you’d handle the chaos with ease and skill!