'Tis the season! We're all getting ready to watch our favorite holiday movies that only come around once a year. Take this quiz to find out which classic Christmas movie was written about your life!

Question 1/10

Do you believe in magic?
Not really
Question 2/10

Do you prefer real or fake Christmas trees?
Question 3/10

Choose a holiday drink!
Egg Nog
Apple Cider
Peppermint Tea
Question 4/10

Which movie genre do you enjoy watching most?
Romantic Comedy
Classic Oldies
Question 5/10

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most humorous, rate your ability to make others laugh!
Question 6/10

To you personally, which quality makes movies great?
If it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling
If I can relate to it
If it makes me laugh
Question 7/10

Choose a symbol of the holiday season!
Santa Claus
Santa's Elves
Christmas Gifts
Family Gatherings
Question 8/10

When do you start celebrating the holiday season?
WAY ahead of everyone else - I love it!
After Thanksgiving
When I realize I haven't finished my gift shopping and it's almost too late!
Question 9/10

Choose a Christmas song!
Deck the Halls
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Joy to the World
All I Want for Christmas is You
Question 10/10

How many Christmas movies have you watched?
Not very many
A good amount
Too many to count!
You are a very family-centered person who believes in the power of acts of kindness. Like the angel in 'It's A Wonderful Life' earned his wings by helping others be kind to each other, you also live a life of charity and good deeds. You have a heart of gold!
'It's A Wonderful Life'

You are unique and different from the rest - and this is a good thing! You never quite liked following the crowd, and you're much happier when you march to the beat of your own drum and follow your heart, just as Buddy does in 'Elf!'

You have a very humorous personality. You know how to make people smile and laugh, and even in the most dire of situations - as the Home Alone main character faces - you're able to hold on to hope and look for silver linings. Your optimistic personality is so refreshing to your friends and family members!
'Home Alone'

You are a true romantic. You love deeply, passionately, and genuinely. 'Love Actually,' a movie that comprises many different love stories, shows how love is truly all around us - which is your outlook on life!
'Love Actually'

You are youthful and light-hearted. You have a very curious mind and you approach life with a sort of childlike wonder that is very unique and special. 'The Miracle on 34th Street' is about you because it's about something that you see in simple life events every day - a miracle. You believe in magic and special moments, and this movie encompasses all of that!
'Miracle On 34th Street'
