We all have embarrassing habits (whether we'd like to own up to them or not)! Do you know what your most embarrassing habit really is? Take these 10 questions and find out!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
Do you always feel like you're doing something wrong in front of authority figures?
Yes I always straighten up
No I'm not afraid of authority
I do this sometimes
Question 2/10
How witty are your comebacks?
Super witty
Somewhat witty
Not witty at all
Question 3/10
How would your friends describe you in one word?
Question 4/10
What bothers you the most?
Being told what to do
Feeling scared or anxious
Feeling bored
Getting too much attention
Question 5/10
How do you handle a breakup?
With dignity and grace
With anger and wrath
With total sadness
Question 6/10
What should you have been voted in high school?
Most likely to succeed
Most likely to get married first
Most likely to evade the law
Most likely to belt out a son g
Question 7/10
How emotionally available are you?
Very available
Somewhat available
Not available at all
Question 8/10
How often do you get stressed out?
All the time
Question 9/10
How organized are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Very organized
Somewhat organized
Not organized at all
Question 10/10
Do you easily accept compliments?
Your most embarrassing habit is thinking of a great comeback several hours after the fact. We all do this. We think of that witty and amazing comeback...hours after it would have been useful. Though that can't possibly stop you from replaying the scenario in your mind again and again.
Thinking Of A Great Comeback Hours Too Late
Your embarrassing habit is tucking yourself in at night. Is it really embarrassing to want to feel cozy, safe, and loved? We think not. But others might disagree. This habit makes you fell snug as a bug in a rug and ready for bed!
Tucking Yourself In At Night
Your most embarrassing habit is claiming to know what things are! We all do this. A friend or acquaintance asks us if we saw the new Captain America movie or read the latest best seller. Instead of admitting that we haven't, we lie and say that we have. Then panic ensues when they ask what the best part was. Yikes!
Claiming To Know What Things Are
Your most embarrassing habit is turning the music down when you see a cop. What is it about authority that strikes fear into your heart? We don't know. What we do know is that we're all guilty of trying to act cool in front of the law.
Turning The Music Down When You See A Cop
Your most embarrassing habit is car karaoke! You might not fancy yourself much of a singer on an average day, but in the car, you're Celine Dion level talented. You can bust a move with the best of them!
Car Karaoke