What Would Be Your Last Thought Before You Die?

Question 1/10

What do you say when saying goodbye to a friend or loved one?
Until next time
See you soon
Take care
I love you

Question 2/10

Do you currently have any children?
Not yet, but one day

Question 3/10

Do you tend to crave connection with others?
I prefer to be alone

Question 4/10

You handle stress by......
Taking deep breaths
Talking with a friend or family member
Writing out my thoughts
Crying and then accepting

Question 5/10

Do you currently feel as if you know your purpose in life?
Sometimes I do
I don't know my purpose yet

Question 6/10

What do you believe is the best way to unwind?
Reading a book
Taking a long walk
Spending time with family
Listening to music

Question 7/10

Are you a spiritual person?
I'm very spiritual
I'm kind of spiritual
I'm not spiritual at all

Question 8/10

What fear has kept you up at night?
Fear of something happening to my loved ones
Fear of failure
Fear of death
Fear of being alone

Question 9/10

How would you describe yourself in one word?

Question 10/10

Do you believe that your last words would be eloquent?
Not a chance
I think I'll spew out something worth remembering
Do barely audible moans count?
Your last thought before you die would be, "Really, already!?" Sometimes it just seems like there's never enough time. And when your final thought comes around, you'll be thinking just that!

Really, Already!?

Your final thought before death will be, "please let my family be okay!" Your family is everything to you. You have always done everything in your power to keep them safe. When the time finally comes to say goodbye you'll only be thinking about your family!

Please Let My Family Be Okay

Your final thoughts before death would be, "I had an amazing life!" You've always taken a lot of risks and lived life to the fullest. You've never let fear hold you back in any way. When you reach the end, you'll have the contentment of knowing you did it all!

I Had An Amazing Life

Your final thought before death would be, "onto the next!" With a strong faith, you know that death isn't really the final act. On your dying day, you'll simply be preparing yourself for the next world and hoping it's as peaceful as you've always hoped.

Onto The Next

Your final thought before death will be, "and so my story ends!" You've always thought of your life as a story divided into chapters. When you reach the end of of your life, you'll feel as if your ending is being written, and your story is coming to a close.

And So My Story Ends

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Before we die it's assumed that we all experience one last and final thought. Do you know what your last thought will be before you move on to the next world? Take this quiz and find out!