Question 1/10
Do you believe in God?
Yes I do
I'm not sure
No I don't
Question 2/10
What do you believe happens after death?
You go to heaven or hell
You just die and life ends
I believe we are reincarnated
I'm not too sure
Question 3/10
Do you go to church every Sunday?
More than every Sunday
Yes I do
I don't go at all
Question 4/10
Do you read the Bible?
Yes I do
No I don't
Question 5/10
Why do you believe there is pain and suffering in the world?
It's a divine test
We're working out our karmic baggage
There is an evil force beyond our understanding
There is no reason
I'm not sure
Question 6/10
How often do you pray?
Every night
Only during terrible times
I don't usually pray
I've never prayed before
Question 7/10
Do you believe everyone has the power to succeed if they want to?
Yes I do
No they don't
Question 8/10
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about human nature?
It depends
Question 9/10
Do you believe in destiny or fate?
Yes I do
No I don't
Question 10/10
Is God the most important person in your life?
Yes he is
I'm not sure
No he's not
If you ever met God, the first thing you would say to him is thank you. You feel blessed for everything he has provided you in your life and you're happy to know he is your life.
Thank You
If you ever met God, you would like to ask him to keep you safe from any dangers in your life. You want to know you can lead a long and great life without worry.
Please Keep Me Safe
You would like to ask of God if he can help you understand life a bit more. You know things will happen in life that will confuse you and you would like to have more clarity.
Bless Me With Understanding
If you met God, you couldn't help but wonder why he created humans. You'd love to learn all about his knowledge and why you were put on this earth.
Why Did You Create Us?
If you ever met God, you'd love to know everything there is to possibly know. You would love to learn everything about him and life.
Tell Me Your Knowledge
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What do you want to tell him?