No one likes rumors but they still tend to circulate. What rumors would you probably hear about yourself?

Question 1/10
Do you usually keep to yourself?
Yes I do
I try to
No I don't
Question 2/10
How are you with confrontation?
I hate it
I can tolerate it
I'm not afraid of it
Question 3/10
How do you feel in crowds?
Perfectly fine
Question 4/10
Do you consider yourself a popular person?
Not at all
I think so
Question 5/10
Do you currently have a job?
Yes I do
No I don't
Question 6/10
Have you been promoted in the last few months?
Yes I have
No I haven't
Question 7/10
Have you been in a relationship?
Yes I have
No I haven't
Question 8/10
Are you on good terms with your ex?
Not at all
I think so
Yes we are
Question 9/10
Are you a talkative person ?
Not at all
I try to be
Yes I am
Question 10/10
Do you make friends easily?
Yes I do
Not really
You probably tend to be a bit more shy or quieter than others so they may see you as a mean person. They believe that just because you don't speak often, you must be a mean person. If they got to know you, they'd see how nice you truly are!
You're Mean
You probably have a higher position at your job and some people may be jealous of that fact. While they fool around and not get any work done, you've worked hard for your position and you know it.
You Cheated Your Way To The Top
You probably have a bitter ex somewhere and it's not common for bitter exes to spread rumors like these. They don't get to hear your side of the story so they just believe the totally false rumors.
You Cheated
You're an outgoing and social person and so you love making new friends. Because people happen to be jealous of your confidence, they may tend to spread rumors about how you're a flirt when in reality you're just super friendly!
You're A Flirt