What Kind Of Parent Are You?

Question 1/10

What type of diet do your children have?
I never thought about that before
Something cheap but healthy
Healthy meals with the occasional snacks
Totally healthy

Question 2/10

Do you believe in the principle "My way or the highway"?
Of course
No I don't

Question 3/10

Would you allow your child to watch a R-rated movie?
It depends on the movie
I have no problem with it
Only if I can watch it with them
Not at all

Question 4/10

Do you give you kid a curfew?
Yes I do
Only at a certain age
Of course not

Question 5/10

How many children do you have?
Just one
8 or more

Question 6/10

How do you think your child's friends would describe you?
I'm not sure

Question 7/10

What's your greatest fear when it comes to hiring a babysitter?
They'll be too strict
They'll be too relaxed
They'll harm my chd
Kids don't need a babysitter
I'm not sure

Question 8/10

How do you react to tantrums?
I ignore them
I ground them
Threaten them
Give them a lecture
I'm not sure

Question 9/10

What do you wish most for your child?
To inspire them
That I become their best friend
That they grow up into great people
That they have fun
I'm not sure

Question 10/10

The main goal of parenting and discipline is to:
To get your child to listen to you
To teach your children rules
To make sure everyone is happy
You've learned how to balance out fun and responsibility in a way that makes you pretty cool. You're best friends with your kids but you know how to be strict and serious when it's called for. You make parenting seem totally awesome.

The Cool Parent

You're kids look up to you and so you do everything to make sure you set a good example for them. Your very aware of your actions and how they may affect the things around you. You want your kids to grow up well and look to you for inspiration.

The Role Model

You're pretty laid back when it comes to rules in your family. You believe that many parents are too overprotective and you want your kids to have fun and enjoy life. While you may be relaxed on the rules, it definitely doesn't mean you're an irresponsible parent.

Easygoing Parent

You're everything to your kids and you can be sure they look up to you. You're an inspiration to them and they know that you'll always be there to protect them and help them in life. They think of you as their best friend!

The Superhero

Your kids are incredibly important to you life and you will do anything to make sure they are protected. You hate spending time away and you want them an arms length away so you can hug them. While your kid may get a bit annoyed by your over-protection, they know that you do it just because you love them.

Overprotective Parent

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How would your kids describe you?