You may know what kind parent you are, but what kind of grandparent will you be one day? It's time to find out! Take these 10 personality quiz questions and discover which kind of grandparent you're destined to be. The results might just shock you!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Cook or bake
Go fishing or hiking
Volunteer at the library or museum
Read books
Travel and explore
Question 2/10
What candy could we find in your purse?
Gummy worms
Soft caramels
Chewing gum
Question 3/10
Where do you spend most of your time?
At a friend's house
At a recreation center
Outside in my garden
At my kid's house
In my kitchen
Question 4/10
What game are you most likely to bust out at a dinner party?
Cards Against Humanity
Question 5/10
One of your grand kids is going through a breakup. What's your advice?
"To heck with them, you can do better!"
"There are plenty of fish in the sea."
"If it's not right it's not right."
"Every challenge is an opportunity to grow."
"Should we prank call them?"
Question 6/10
One of your grandkids is turning 5. What gift are you going to give?
A trip to Disney World
A day at the toy store
That new game they wanted
Tickets to see their favorite sports team
Something sentimental
Question 7/10
What do you post on Facebook?
Motivational quotes
Political rants
Comments on other people's photos
Pictures of my food
My Farmville stats
Question 8/10
What does your house smell like?
My cat
Baked goods
Furniture polish
My perfume
Question 9/10
Do you text with emojis?
Question 10/10
What's your signature dish?
Chocolate chip cookies
Cinnamon rolls
Macaroni and cheese
Potato salad
You are a traditional grandparent! Much like the name implies, you tend to stay in the background supporting both your own children and your grandchildren. You play a vital role as the head of the family, directing others and upholding family traditions. You are a pillar of strength for your entire family.
The Traditional Grandparent
You are the fun seeking grandparent! You can almost always be found planning fun outings with your grandchildren. Not only do your grandkids always know that they’ll have a great time when they’re at your house, but they often know that a day with you is a day they’ll never forget. You’re fun, adventurous, and always looking to bend the rules for your grand babies!
The Fun Seeking Grandparent
You are the surrogate grandparent! To your grandkids, you’re not just a grandparent, you’re a second primary caregiver. When your own kids are exhausted, you always step in and take over the parenting. Your grandkids trust you like they trust their parents, knowing that you always have their best interests in mind. You’re in the business of making their childhoods as special and memorable as you can! Go you!
The Surrogate Grandparent
You are the wise grandparent! You’re truly the glue that holds the entire family together. Whenever anyone is in need of some wisdom, it’s you they come to for advice. You’re warm, genial, and compassionate. You don’t judge or issue harsh orders, you simply advise based on what you’ve learned in your years on earth. Your grandkids view as an almost otherworldly or mythical figure!
The Wise Grandparent
You’re the hip grandparent! You’re the grandparent who knows how to take a good Instagram photo, is always texting with emojis, and can handle any piece of tech your grandkids throw your way. You love getting down on the level of you grandkids and learning all about pop culture, fashion, and what’s trendy in the modern day. Many people admire your commitment to staying young!
The Hip Grandparent