You might think you're the world's greatest driver (face it, we all do), but are you really? Take these 10 questions and find out just what kind of driver you truly are!

Question 1/10
Do you consider yourself to be an aggressive or defensive driver?
In between
Question 2/10
How often do you find yourself passing others?
Changing lanes is my game
Probably too often
When they're going to slow
Hardly ever
Question 3/10
Be honest, how often do you drive the speed limit?
Who drives the speed limit?
I always go 5-10 mph over
I always go the speed limit
It depends on my mood
Question 4/10
When is it okay to lay on the car horn?
When someone is distracted
When someone isn't moving fast enough
If I'm in a bad mood
Question 5/10
Turn signals are absolutely _____________.
Up to the driver
Question 6/10
Be honest, while driving you're totally guilty of......
Drinking coffee
Eating food
Yelling at the kids
Question 7/10
When going on a road trip with the family, who typically drives?
I do
My significant other
Some other family member
We take turns
Question 8/10
What does "yield" mean to you?
Stop and pause
Carefully check for the clear and proceed
Question 9/10
How often do you change the radio while driving?
All the time
Only at stoplights
Question 10/10
How do you kill time when sitting in traffic?
I go on my phone
I sing and dance
I talk to my passengers or out loud
I just sit there
There's no doubt about it, you are an excellent driver! You're never too aggressive or too defensive, rather you know how to judge any driving situation with logic and street smarts. You follow all the rules and never put yourself at risk by driving with distractions. We'd take a road trip with you any day!
Excellent Driver
You are an unquestionably good driver! No matter what situation your daily commute finds you in, you handle it with logic and intelligence. You always take your time when driving and never let aggression or road rage take a hold. You're a smart driver who always uses both hands and never drivers distractedly.
Good Driver
You are an average driver! Okay, like most of us, you can get a bit aggressive behind the wheel. You also like to go above the speed limit whenever you feel you can get away with doing so. We can't fault you for that. Your driving is decidedly average. We think that's a good thing to be when it comes to driving.
Average Driver
You are a subpar driver! When it comes to driving, you may need to brush up on the law, because you're breaking a few. While your secret is safe with us, you might want to consider following the rules of the road and taking it a bit easier. Driving is not a competition, it's a journey.
Subpar Driver
You are an okay driver! While your driving skills are overall great, you tend to let yourself get distracted by phone calls, the radio, and the scenery. Combine that with your love of speeding and driving with you can feel like a bit of a thrill ride. Take it easy and drive safely friend!
Okay Driver