Ah, the end times. Most of us avoid thinking about apocalyptic situations as often as we can. Yet the media keeps reminding us that earth and humanity could all come to an explosive end one day. In the event of an apocalyptic situation, where would you thrive? During what kind of Apocalypse would you be best? Let's find out where you'd be the hero in the story of the world!

Question 1/10

What would be hardest to live without in an apocalyptic world?
Clean water
Cell phone signal
Toilet paper
Medical care
Fast food
Question 2/10

What has always scared the living daylights out of you?
Horror movies
The thought of extraterrestrial life
Spiders and snakes, oh my!
Bio warfare
Question 3/10

You can only take one item with you in a hurry. what do you choose?
A gun
A can of gasoline
A machete
A bottle of water
Body armor
Question 4/10

Where would you flee to if you survived some kind of apocalyptic attack?
To the cities
To the country
To the small towns
To the forest
Question 5/10

Which struggle would you best cope with?
Being hungry
Lots of death
Prolonged thirst
Losing hope
Lack of communication
Question 6/10

You would want your travel companion to be very...
Question 7/10

If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do today?
Eat all my favorite foods
Have sex
Drink a lot
Question 8/10

You're getting desperate for food. What would you reach for?
Old garbage
Question 9/10

Politically speaking, are you more left or right?
Somewhere in the middle
None of these
Question 10/10

How do you view the world?
Through a positive lens.
Through a negative lens.
Through a truthful lens.
Bust out your zombie hunting supplies, because you would thrive during a zombie apocalypse. Not only are we totally confident that you could outsmart the dead guys, but we think you have the common sense and logic to help get yourself and others to safety. Go you!
Zombie Apocalypse

Bust out your radiation suit and get ready for life underground. You would do best in a nuclear apocalypse! Given that there is anything left, you would thrive in this newly radiated and difficult world. You're tenacious, intelligent, and strong. If anyone could help rebuild humanity in this dark situation, it is probably you.
Nuclear Apocalypse

Ever dreamed of interacting with extraterrestrial life? Well, your dream might one day come true. You would do best in an alien apocalypse. Not only are we sure you could handle a futuristic gun, but you're a keen diplomat who would help negotiations with alien life ten fold.
Alien Apocalypse

Start learning about eco-living today, because you would do best in a climate change catastrophe. While most people aren't prepared for life during a climate change catastrophe, you most certainly are. You've always been interested in green technology, sustainable living and going off the grid. In several years, you might just have the chance to shine.
Climate Change Catastrophe

You would really shine during a viral apocalypse! Biological warfare is a very real threat. Yet, most people can't even remember to cover their mouths when they cough. An intelligent and savvy person like you would do well under these terrifying yet dire circumstances. Better get used to life in a hazmat suit!
Viral Apocalypse
