Do you ever stop and smell the roses?

Question 1/10
Do you like to plan ahead or live in the moment?
I prefer to plan ahead
I live in the moment
It depends
Question 2/10
Do you have any regrets in your life?
Who doesn't?
Maybe a couple
No I don't
Question 3/10
Do you ever feel like there is not enough time in the day?
All the time
Sometimes I do
Of course not
Question 4/10
How many hours do you usually sleep?
5 or less hours
5-6 hours
6-7 hours
8-9 hours
9+ hours
Question 5/10
Do you consider yourself a night owl or an early bird?
Definitely a night owl
An early bird
It depends
Question 6/10
Do you tend to live in your imagination or in reality?
In my imagination
I prefer reality
Question 7/10
Do you ever feel restless when relaxing?
All the time
Only if I still have things I need to do
Not usually
Not at all
Question 8/10
Would you say you often exercise?
Every other day
2-3 times a week
Maybe once a week
Question 9/10
Do you frequently take naps?
Of course
Only if I'm really exhausted
I never do
Question 10/10
How often do you challenge your brain?
You're a fast-paced individual and you never stop moving. You feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything don't and you seem to always be on the move. You move through life at full speed never giving yourself time to pause.
Life In The Fast Lane
You know exactly what needs to be done in life and you won't feel relaxed until it's done. You live life at hurried pace as you try to complete everything. You spend most of your life chasing your goals and dreams.
Fast Achiever
You believe that the best type of life to live is a comfortable life. You're never in a rush to do anything and instead take your time completing tasks. You want to make the most of the time you have.
Comfortable Life
If you have to be, you can work at a rather quick pace. For the most part though, you like to live life at a slow and steady pace. You like to take in your surroundings and see the beauty around you.
Slow And Steady
You don't move too quickly nor too slow but rather at the right pace. You know when you should hurry and when you should relax. You're ready to take on the world and take it on to its fullest.
Average Speed