Do you know what your taste in celebrities says about you as a person? It's time to find out! Take this quiz and discover just how much your celebrity preferences truly reveal.

Question 1/10
How do you feel about Alan Alda?
I love him
I like him
I don't have an opinion on him
I dislike him
Question 2/10
How do you feel about Madonna?
I love her
I like her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Question 3/10
How do you feel about Mary Tyler Moore?
I love her
I like her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Question 4/10
How do you feel about Scott Baio?
I love him
I like him
I dislike him
I don't have an opinion on him
Question 5/10
How do you feel about Farrah Fawcett?
I love her
I like her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Question 6/10
How do you feel about Cyndi Lauper?
I love her
I like her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Question 7/10
How do you feel about Ricardo Montalban?
I love him
I like him
I dislike him
I don't have an opinion on him
Question 8/10
How do you feel about Kirk Cameron?
I love him
I like him
I dislike him
I don't have an opinion on him
Question 9/10
How do you feel about Carol Burnett?
I like her
I love her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Question 10/10
How do you feel about Melanie Griffith?
I love her
I like her
I dislike her
I don't have an opinion on her
Your taste in celebrities reveals that you're a very enthusiastic person! You embrace life with your whole heart. Not one to shy away from trying something new, you live to take big chances and risks.
You're Enthusiastic
Based on your tastes in celebrities, you're a very appreciative and gracious person! You understand that life is all about gratitude and appreciation. You truly value the things that make your life so special.
You're Appreciative And Gracious
Based on your taste in celebrities, you're very eccentric and creative! You're a highly artistic individual who feels most content when creating something new. Your mind is constantly coming up with new ideas that you can't wait to get started on!
You're Eccentric And Creative
Based on your taste in celebrities, we believe you're athletic and healthy! It's obvious that you value your health and wellness above all else. You eat right, work out regularly, and love to live an active on the go lifestyle.
You're Athletic And Healthy
Based on your taste in celebrities, we believe you're humorous and easy going! What's life without laughter? Pretty boring. Sure, things can be hard at times, but with a great sense of humor there's no limit to what you can endure.
You're Humorous And Easy Going