What Does God Want You To Do?

Question 1/10

Do you really believe in God?
It's complicted

Question 2/10

If you could quit your job and take a new life direction, what would you do?
Travel the world
Volunteer at an orphanage
Spend time with family
Start my own project that will revolutionize the world

Question 3/10

Which bird’s personality is similar to yours?
Blue Jay

Question 4/10

Most people describe you as:
Down to earth

Question 5/10

You’re about to go on a vacation to France! What are you most excited to do?
The food
The landmarks
The culture
The shopping
I'd never go to France

Question 6/10

After a long week, you’re exhausted. How do you like to blow off steam?
Binge Netflix
Work out
Clean the house
A trip to the mountains
Lots of drinking

Question 7/10

In group projects, you always...
Offer moral support

Question 8/10

Does it ever seem like the world is coming to an end?
Often, it feels like the world is falling apart!
Hardly, things always work out.
Never, this is a peaceful time.

Question 9/10

A work function and a family gathering overlaps. You...
Cancel the work function
Cancel the family gathering
Try to go to both

Question 10/10

When it comes to hierarchy, you...
Believe everyone deserves equal treatment.
Believe people reap what they sow.
Believe some need protecting.
I'm not sure what I believe.
God wants you to write a book that helps other people. Have an encouraging story to tell? Been through more than your fair share of hardships? Those things happened for a reason. Now you have a story that can inspire millions to endure their struggles and prevail! Will you listen to god's call for your life?

Write A Book That Helps Others

God wants you to travel and experience new cultures! Been bitten by the travel bug? That's not a coincidence. It's time to step outside of your comfort zone and explore this big beautiful world. Immerse in other cultures and listen to the stories of other people. You'll learn more about yourself than you've ever known before!

Travel And Experience New Cultures

God wants you to give your time for others. Often feel like you're too caught up in your own head? It's time to step outside of your mind and give some time to others. Volunteer, connect, and make a change. You'll learn that your sense of calm will come from helping those around you to thrive!

Give Your Time To Others

God wants you to help rescue animals. Feel more drawn to animals than people most of the time? That's no coincidence, god wants you to use your compassion to help those who can't help themselves. Rescue a dog, kitty, or even a rabbit! Give your love to another creature and you'll find that love comes back to you ten fold.

Help Rescue Animals

God wants you to use your power for good! You're already in a position of power, now it's time to use that power to help others. Give selflessly, make a difference, and use your voice to fight injustice. It's what god is willing you to do!

Use Your Power For Good

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Does God have a plan for your life? He might be sending you all the signs, but are you picking up on them? With this simple quiz, we can reveal what God really wants you to do. Be warned, the results might surprise you!