You might think you're a lot of fun to be around, but just how fun are you really? Take this "never have I ever" themed quiz and discover if you're as outgoing and fun as you think you are! Ready? To the quiz!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
Never have I ever been arrested.
I have
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 2/10
Never have I ever danced at a party.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 3/10
Never have I ever eaten a Big Mac.
I have never.
I have.
It's complicated.
Question 4/10
Never have I ever gone on a zipline.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 5/10
Never have I ever been in a kayak.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 6/10
Never have I ever sang karaoke.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 7/10
Never have I ever traveled outside of my home country.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 8/10
Never have I ever kissed someone on a first date.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 9/10
Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Question 10/10
Never have I ever lied on my resume.
I have.
I have never.
It's complicated.
Based on this never have I ever quiz, you’re just about as fun as they come! You’re the type of person who is always up for anything, no matter how risky or outlandish the request may be. You don’t fear much and you certainly don’t let a bit of uncertainty keep you from having a good time. You live everyday to the fullest and always have a good time along the way!
You're As Fun As They Come!
Based on this never have I ever quiz, you’re very fun! You never turn down an opportunity to let loose and have a good time. Unlike many people, you have a true youthful optimism that just won’t quit. You see the world as you did when you were young, with hope, passion, and a whole lot of awe. You’ll try anything once!
You're Very Fun!
Based on this never have I ever quiz, you’re kind of fun! Sure, you like to have a good time but you always make sure it’s on your own terms! You’re not the type to risk your life or put anyone in danger for the sake of a good time, but you will try most things once. You’re the type of fun that’s equal parts responsible and playful!
You're Kind Of Fun!
Unfortunately, this never have I ever quiz revealed that you’re not very fun! Sure, you love to have a good time, but you tend to play it safe whenever possible. You’re firmly planted in your comfort zone and don’t like to venture outside of it very often. Because of this, you often miss out on all of the fun life has to offer. There’s a big world outside waiting for you, better go get it!
You're Not Very Fun!