Everyone would like to think they could rule the free world better than the rest, but if you were president, what would happen to America? Take these 10 quiz questions and discover what kind of president you'd actually be!

Question 1/10

The best thing about being President of the United States would be what?
The White House bowling alley
Being able to change the world
Having the power to make big decisions
Flying on Air Force One
Question 2/10

How many secrets do you have?
None, I'm as open and honest as they come.
A few, but they're not a big deal.
Let's just say there are a lot of skeletons in my closet.
Question 3/10

What’s the number one issue on your talking points?
Immigration reform
Health care reform
The economy
Saving the environment
Question 4/10

People would best describe you as being...
Down to earth
Even keeled
Question 5/10

How do you deal with criticism?
Very well, I take it all in stride
Poorly, how dare they!?
I'm okay, but it stings.
Question 6/10

How active is your partner in leading the Free World?
Very active, they would have their own projects and causes.
Somewhat active, but mostly behind the scenes.
Not active at all, I runt he show.
Question 7/10

A president needs vacation days! Where are you going to take your retreats?
Question 8/10

When you’re not busy being president, how do you spend your free time?
Shooting hoops
Question 9/10

Can you get along with people you may not agree with on important issues?
It depends on the issue at hand.
I can always find common ground.
I try to hear their point of view, but make my own opinions clear.
Nope, I won't even give them my time.
Question 10/10

You pride yourself on being very....
If you were elected president of the US, there would be peace throughout all the land! You would preach the ideals of unity, togetherness, and understanding. Rather than pitting your citizens against one another- you would help bring them together and forge a true sense of national pride.
There Would Be Peace

If you were elected president, there would be total chaos and confusion! You're a bit erratic when it comes to decision making and tend to just say whatever is on your mind- consequences or not. You're not one to hold your tongue and you don't really care about all that hippy dippy ideals of peace or unity.
There Would Chaos

If you were elected president of the US, there would be a true economic boom! Unlike so many presidents that came before, you know what it takes to bring prosperity to the US. You understand the plight of the middle class and how to help individuals find true financial freedom. To you, an economic boom isn't just about the wealthy or the 1%, it's about those who help keep America moving.
There'd Be An Economic Boom

If you were elected president of the US, there would be unity. Some presidents tear people apart and create great canyon like divides, others bring the nation together and help them to find common ground. You would be the type of president who preaches peace, unity, and American pride. We're all in this together after all!
There Would Be Unity
