What would you do in order to make memories?
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/10
Do you think you'd be able to handle being president?
Yes I do
I'm not sure
No I wouldn't
Question 2/10
Would you consider yourself mischievous at all?
Yes I would
I'm not sure
No I don't
Question 3/10
Are you a patient person?
Yes I am
It depends
No I'm not
Question 4/10
How are you with goodbyes?
I'm okay with them
I don't mind them
Question 5/10
Have you ever committed a crime?
Yes I have
Not that I remember
No I haven't
Question 6/10
Are you thankful for everything you have?
Yes I am
For the most part
Not really
Question 7/10
Are you proud of your country?
Yes I am
For the most part
Not really
Question 8/10
Do you think you'd make the right decisions as president?
Of course I would
I hope so
I don't think I could
Question 9/10
Do you care what others think of you?
Not at all
It depends
Yes I do
Question 10/10
What do you think you'd do after being president?
Travel the world
Just live with my family
Find a new job
Live in isolation somewhere
You couldn't think of anything better to do on your last day than to pull an amazing prank. You want to pull a prank so good that everyone will still be talking about it even years later.
Pull A Prank
What you'd like to do for your last day is to leave a surprise for the next President. Whether it's an expensive momentum or even just a drawing, you think it'd be interesting for them to discover it.
Leave A Surprise For The Next Person
What you'd like to do as your last day is to spend the day thanking everyone who's been there for you. You'll be thanking everyone from other political members to even the maids. You just want to express your gratitude to them.
Spend The Day Thanking Everyone
It will be a rather bittersweet day and you want to enjoy the advantages of being president for one last day. You want to live it to the fullest so that you can remember back in the day fondly.
Enjoy Being President For The Last Day
You probably wouldn't do something very legal but it's your last day so you don't see a problem. You'd love to steal a tiny souvenir to remind you of your presidential days.
Steal A Little Souvenir