Just because time travel is not possible now doesn't mean that it will never become so. Take this quiz to reveal which year you would go back to if you could time travel.

Question 1/10

Pick a famous fictional time traveler.
Marty McFly
Doctor Who
Dr. Samuel Beckett
James T. Kirk
Bill & Ted
Hermione Granger
Desmond Hume
Clare Fraser
None of these
Question 2/10

Pick a color.
Question 3/10

In your opinion, music sounds the best when played on...
My iphone
Live instruments
A record player
A phonograph
None of these
Question 4/10

Which American author would you most likely read?
Harper Lee
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Stephen King
Mark Twain
Edith Wharton
None of these
Question 5/10

What did you do the summer after you graduated from high school?
Worked to save money for college
Traveled a bit before settling down
I spent my time relaxing
None of these
Question 6/10

Which of the following decades do you consider the most romantic?
The 1920s
The 1940s
The 1950s
The 1960s
The 1970s
None of these
Question 7/10

Are you married?
No, but I used to be
No, I am way too young to think about that
No, but I would like to be
I don't think that marriage is for me
None of these
Question 8/10

Pick a vintage keepsake.
A typewriter
A flapper dress
A classic car
A rotary phone
None of these
Question 9/10

Which past U.S. President would you most like to have lunch with?
John F. Kennedy
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Franklin D. Roosevelt
None of these
Question 10/10

In your opinion, which era had the best style?
The 1900s
The 1920s
The 1940s
The 1950s
The 1960s
The 1970s
The 1980s
The 1990s
None of these
It's a number that is ingrained in your mind but do you really know what it was like way back then? If you could time travel, you would return to the year that you were born only this time you will be able to see how the time period in which you were born helped to shape the person you have become. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Would Return to the Year You Were Born

You remember that special time in your life when the world seemed like an abundance of possibilities just waiting for you to decide to grab a hold of them. When nap time was encouraged and everything you did was adorable? If you could time travel, you would return to the year that you were 5 only this time you would have the wisdom to appreciate your youth before it slipped away. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Would Return to the Year You Were 5

You are made from the gene-pool of two individuals who you know as your parents but do you really know what it was like to be alive when they were young?. If you could time travel, you would return to the year that your parents met and would be able to piece together the final puzzle of their love story. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Would Return to the Year Your Parents Met

You remember that special time in your life when you finally met the person who filled the empty place in your heart? If you could time travel, you would return to the year that you met your soulmate only this time you would relive every moment of fresh and it will deepen your love and commitment for that person today.
You Would Return to the Year You Met Your Soul Mate

You remember that special time in your life when the world seemed like an abundance of possibilities just waiting for you to decide to grab a hold of them. If you could time travel, you would return to the year that you graduated high school only this time you would have the wisdom to appreciate your youth before it slipped away. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.
You Would Return to the Year You Graduated High School
