Donald Trump loves to Tweet, but sometimes his words don't always translate into good press. If you could control Trump's Twitter for one day, what would you Tweet? Would your message bring people together? It's time to find out!

Question 1/10
What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
My family
All of the bad drivers
How late I'm going to be
What I want to do later
Question 2/10
What were you like in high school?
I was popular
I was a jock
I was a band geek
I was into theater
I was an outsider
Question 3/10
What are you known for?
My beautiful hair
My expensive taste
My sense of humor
My intelligence
My kindness and compassion
Question 4/10
What do you work toward in your free time?
Meeting my goal weight
Getting the most likes on Instagram
Being a better person
Learning a language
Excelling at work
Question 5/10
Which parent are you closest with?
My mother
My father
I'm equally close to both
I'm not close to either
Question 6/10
How would you rate your memory?
Question 7/10
What do you believe is your greatest quality?
I'm larger than life
I'm intelligent
I'm proud
I'm kind
I'm curious
Question 8/10
You make plans with a friend and they cancel on you, what do you do?
Tell them I didn't really want to hang out with them anyway
Call up someone better
Cut them out of my life
Take it in stride, things happen
Carry on with my life as usual
Question 9/10
If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
Having as much fun as possible
Saying goodbye to my friends and family
Exacting revenge on my many enemies
Saying whatever is on my mind
Eating, drinking, and living it to the fullest
Question 10/10
What do you think about most? The past, the present, or the future?
The past
The present
The future
If you could control Donald Trump's Twitter for a day, you would Tweet, "My neighbors are bothering me, I'm going to build a wall and make them pay." Sure, building a wall might not be popular with everyone, but how else would you keep your neighbors from spying?
"My Neighbors Are Bothering Me, I'm Going To Build A Wall And Make Them Pay."
If you could control Donald Trump's Twitter for a day, you would Tweet, "I'm just like you, I'm rich, I'm popular, and I never cut up my own steak." You just want to illustrate how much the president has in common with the working class. Of course you're not serious, you just want to get a few laughs out of your time as Trump!
"I'm Just Like You, I'm Rich, I'm Popular, And I Never Cut Up My Own Steak."
If you could control Donald Trump's Twitter for a day, you would Tweet, "Curious about the apocalypse? Tremendous!" It's not that you really think Trump is going to plunge the world into apocalyptical hellfire, but with everything that's going on in the world, why not shoot for the stars in terms of retweets!
"Curious About The Apocalypse? Tremendous."
If you could control Donald Trump's Twitter for a day, you would Tweet, "There's no such thing as being too tan or too rich!" Sure, you could take your moment in the Twitter spotlight to highlight one of the world's many problems, or you could poke fun at the president's glamorous spray tan. Priorities!
"There's No Such Thing As Being Too Tan Or Too Rich."
If you could control Donald Trump's Twitter for a day, you would Tweet, "I'm the greatest that has ever lived and will ever live!" If you want your Tweet to seem authentic, go big or go home. Our president has never been known for his modesty, so why not embrace this big personality with some aplomb?
"I'm The Greatest That Has Ever Lived And Will Ever Live."