Question 1/10
Be honest, do you judge a book by its cover?
Question 2/10
What is your first impression of this couple?
They seem happy.
They look mismatched.
They seem relaxed and cool.
They seem open minded.
Question 3/10
What's your first impression of this girl?
Why is her hair blue?
She seems like a lot of fun!
She seems high maintenance.
She seems creative.
Question 4/10
What is your first impression of this man?
He looks dapper and interesting!
He seems like a bit of a nerd.
He looks smart.
He looks kind and open.
Question 5/10
What's your first impression of these kids?
Where are their parents?
They seem well behaved.
They look like sweet kids.
They seem like a handful.
Question 6/10
What do you think of this couple?
What are they fighting about?
It's none of my business.
Fights happen, they're probably okay.
She clearly isn't interested.
Question 7/10
What do you think of these happy students?
It doesn't take much to graduate these days.
Good for them!
Those are boring robes.
I wish I could be that young again.
Question 8/10
What do you think of this pooch?
She looks pretty hyper and neurotic.
She looks like a good girl!
I hate big dogs.
It seems like an okay dog.
Question 9/10
What do you think about this old couple?
They seem like they're still in love!
Why is she wearing that hat?
I hope have a relationship like that.
How sweet!
Question 10/10
What do you think of this girl?
She seems pretty shallow and vapid.
She seems fine.
Is she a shopping addict?
Why does she need so much stuff?
Based on how you see others, you're a very agreeable person! You're the type of person who always gives others the benefit of the doubt. Never judging or harsh, you tend to let others prove themselves rather than writing them off.
An Agreeable Person
Based on how you see others, you're a very conscientious person! You are thoughtful and observant, kind and giving. You don't judge a book by it's cover and are very easy in how you approach life and other people. You let everyone live their own life and reserve the judgement for when it counts!
A Conscientious Person
Based on how you see others, you're a very open person! Some people like to lump others into a box or make judgements on who they are based on appearance. Not you! You're all about giving others the benefit of the doubt and accepting everyone you meet with open arms.
An Open Person
Based on how you see others, you're a bit of a neurotic person! You're mind goes a mile a minute, never stopping and never letting up. You tend to overthink everything, even when it comes to other people. Though you may not always mean to, you often make dry or snappy decisions about other people based only on how they look.
A Neurotic Person
Based on how you see others, you're a very adventurous person! You see life as one big adventure, which means you invite people from all walks of life into your world. Though you may sometimes judge others who are different than you, you're the first to admit when someone proves you wrong or turns out differently.
An Adventurous Person
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How you see other people can truly reveal what kind of person you are deep down! Ready to find out what your opinions really say about you as a person? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out!