How Long Could You Survive As A School Principal?

Question 1/10
How much experience do you have in education?
1-3 years
4-6 years
More than 7 years

Question 2/10
How good are your writing skills?
I'm not going to win a Pulitzer anytime soon.....
I'd say they're above average.
They're okay, but not great.
What are writing skills?

Question 3/10
How do you stay organized?
I write a lot of to do lists.
I have a very thought out system.
I set phone reminders.
I just go with the flow.

Question 4/10
How would one of your co-workers describe you in a word?

Question 5/10
What are you best at?
Engaging with others.
Reading a situation.
Telling people what to do.
Offering good advice.
Coming up with ideas.

Question 6/10
You just received a whole inbox worth of angry emails from parents. How do you respond?
I carefully take the time to read and respond to each one.
I send one vague email to the whole lot.
I avoid responding for as long as possible.
I call up each parent individually and hear them out.
I send home a memo addressing concerns.

Question 7/10
A child comes to your office after having hit another student. What's your course of action?
Calmly explain what they did wrong.
Demand they explain themselves.
Suspend them or put them in detention.
Call up their parents.
A mix of all.

Question 8/10
When working on a group project, you're the one who...
Always takes charge.
Let's others shine.
Comes up with the ideas.
Doles out roles/assignments.
Shirks responsibility.

Question 9/10
On your lunch break, you can typically be found....
Catching up on work.
Getting away to destress.
Playing games on my phone.
Eating lunch and reading emails.
It depends on the day.

Question 10/10
Be honest, what do you fear most?
Public speaking
Being criticized
Not being liked
It depends on the day
This quiz revealed that you could survive as a school principal for the entirety of your career! You've got the resiliency, the patience, the common sense, and the mental fortitude to put up with life as a school principal. You're even keeled and down to earth, always looking to solve conflicts rather than create them. You're respectful to both teachers and parents, with an understanding of the role each person plays in your daily life!

Your Entire Career!
This quiz revealed that you could survive as a school principal for 20 years! Being a school principal requires patience and an even keel! After all, you won't just deal with critical parents, bad students, and unhappy staff members, you'll deal with higher ups as well. Luckily, you've got the right personality for the job! You could definitely make it as a school principal for the long haul.

20 Years
This quiz revealed that you could survive as a school principal for 10 years! Being a school principal isn't always a walk in the park. In fact, it's a job that involves lots of conflict resolution and a wealth of patience. You've got the resiliency, the optimism and the patience to truly hack at as a school principal. Unfortunately, you'd tire of the job within 10 years!

10 Years
This quiz revealed that you could survive as a school principal for 5 years! While you may have the intelligence to be a great and influential school principal, you're one that takes conflict and criticism to heart. You're a bit on the soft side, which would make life as a school principal less than ideal for you. You could survive for 5 years, but not much longer!

5 Years
This quiz revealed that you could survive as a school principal for 1 year! Unfortunately, you wouldn't enjoy a role as a school principal. Sure, you're whip smart and likable, but you also hate conflict, dealing with irritated parents, and having to keep your composure at all times. You could not hack it as a school principal for very long!

1 Year
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You might think that life as a school principal is easy, but this job is anything but a walk in the park! Do you think you could survive as a school principal? It's time to find out! Take these 10 quiz questions and discover if you have what it takes to rule the school!