Colors represent so many aspects of who we are, including our inner strength. Every person has a singular color that represents their strength. Do you know what yours is? Answer these 10 quiz questions and we'll find the color that truly matches your strength!

Question 1/10
When the going gets tough, you almost always...
Give up.
Find a solution.
Get tougher!
Lean on a friend.
Keep going.
Question 2/10
You've decided you're going on a diet, but a co-worker brought in cupcakes at work. What do you do?
Eat the cupcake, life's too short!
Have half a cupcake.
Just eat some icing.
Ignore the cupcakes completely.
Taste a cupcake, then toss it.
Question 3/10
Which of these figures best represents strength to you?
Abraham Lincoln
Joan of Arc
Eleanor Roosevelt
Albert Einstein
Fred Rogers
Question 4/10
Who inspires you to be strong in life?
My kids
My parents
My friends
My faith
Me, myself, and I!
Question 5/10
Which strong word relates to you?
Question 6/10
When you think of the word "strong" what comes to mind?
Physical strength.
Someone who overcomes the odds.
Someone who never gives up.
People who meet their goals.
Someone who is happy.
Question 7/10
When you're under pressure, you tend to...
Do even better
Pull out a win
Make mistakes
Question 8/10
Do you see the world as mostly good?
Yes, definitely.
Some days.
Not really, no.
Question 9/10
Do you feel more empowered by the sun or the moon?
The sun
The moon
Question 10/10
In your circle of friends, you are....
The leader
The nurturer
The planner
The comic relief
The instigator
Your strength is the color green! Inside, your strength comes from your connection to the earth and your family. A color like green represents you the best since your strength is humble, never boastful, and totally grounded. You are someone who never sweats the small stuff and can always find a rational solution to every problem.
Your strength is the color red! Inside, your strength comes from your fiery passion and willingness to succeed. A color like red represents you the best since your strength is energetic, confident and never wavering. You are someone who doesn't let challenges or setbacks keep you from meeting your goals.
Your strength is the color blue! Inside, your strength comes from your relaxed and empathetic nature. A color like blue represents you best since your strength is peaceful, kind, and always present. You are someone who is quite compassionate and sensitive. Though you may feel hurt quite deeply, you always rise up strong and find your footing.
Your strength is the color purple! Inside your strength comes from a place of intelligence and work ethic. A color like purple represents you best since your strength is regal, stoic and highly enviable. You are someone who puts in the hard work to get what you want. Though it isn't always easy, you never give up. While you don't have an independent side, you're never afraid to lean on others when you need a helping hand.
Your strength is the color yellow! Inside, your strength comes from a place of optimism, hope, and friendship. A color like yellow represents you best since your strength is like a beacon of light, never wavering, never dimming. You always hold a sunny outlook no matter what challenges you face. To you, there is always a reason to hold on to hope and smile!