Do You Take The Moral High Ground?

Taking the moral high ground isn't easy, but most of the time it helps! Do you always take the moral high ground when you can? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out! The results might surprise you.

Question 1/10
An older woman is struggling to reach something on the top shelf at the store. What do you do?
I help her get it down.
I find a store associate.
I pretend I don't see her.

Question 2/10
You're at the park when you notice a child who seems pretty lost. What do you do in this situation?
It's none of my business.
Ask the child where their parents are.
Call the police or find a security guard.
Keep an eye on them from a distance.

Question 3/10
Your sibling stole something from a local shop. What do you do?
Cover for them.
Tell the shop owner.
Lecture mys ibling on stealing.

Question 4/10
You've had a very stressful day. What do you do to relax?
Pour myself a drink.
Put on some music.
Go for a walk.

Question 5/10
What's your greatest vice?
Reality TV
Social media

Question 6/10
What are your thoughts on sex before marriage?
To each their own.
It's fine so long as you're committed.
It's never okay.
It's a great way to find out what you like!

Question 7/10
What influences your values or morals?
My religion
My family
My job
My friends
A bit of everything

Question 8/10
You see a co-worker with a flat tire on the side of the road. Do you stop?
Of course, I'd want them to stop for me!
Nah, I'm sure they can handle it.
It depends on how much time I have.

Question 9/10
Which trait do you value mot in other people?

Question 10/10
How would you describe your relationship with authority?
Based on the results of this quiz, you always take the moral high ground! Kudos to you, as morality doesn't come easy to everyone. No matter what the situation, you always take the high road and aim to be fair to everyone involved. You don't like to step on any one to get to where you want to go. If only the rest of the world were quite as moral and good as you!

You Always Take The Moral High Ground!
Based on the results of this quiz, you sometimes take the moral high ground! Kudos for being a good person who always attempts to do the right thing. Though it's not always possible, you always try to take the moral high ground whenever you can! Of course, when you feel like taking the moral high ground isn't an option, you try to minimize the damage of whatever comes after!

You Sometimes Take The Moral High Ground!
Based on the results of this quiz, you rarely take the moral high ground! Hey, we get it, doing the right thing is often the hardest thing to do. In a fast paced world, taking the moral high ground just isn't always in the cards. Though you're a good person, you're not one to go out of your way to help others or do the right thing. You usually just do whatever is most convenient for you! We've all been there.

You Rarely Take The Moral High Ground!